I LOVE THIS PICTURE. It was one of those camera phone beautiful accidents.
So I am starting my blog over. This is all about me. Nothing more, nothing less. Let's call it a written documentary.
Six Random Things About Me
- I love everything related to natural hair but I am far from afrocentric.
- I am adopted and I am searching for my birth parents.
- I am an old person trapped in a young person's body. I am always told that I am very wise for my age and I LOVE oldies music. Partying with 30+ ppl is always fun. lol
- Give me an almond joy and I'll be happy. (I think I'm the only black person who likes coconut)
- I try to only surround myself around positivity because you're only as good as the company you keep.
- I finally have my blackberry so I can keep this updated :)
Until next time my loves,